Antonio Baldassarre and Tatjana Marković (eds.): MUSIC CULTURES IN SOUNDS, WORDS AND IMAGES. Essays in honor of ZDRAVKO BLAŽEKOVIĆ, Wien: Hollitzer Verlag, 2018 810S., 17 x 24 cm, hardcover
ISBN 978-3-99012-451-2 (hbk) € 99,00
ISBN 978-3-99012-504-5 (pdf) € 89,99
Essays in honor of ZDRAVKO BLAŽEKOVIĆ
Music cultures in sounds, words and images, edited by Antonio Baldassarre and Tatjana Marković, is dedicated to the 60th birthday of the Croatian-American musicologist Zdravko Blažeković (b. 1956, Zagreb). After his studies of musicology and first working experiences in Zagreb, Blažeković moved to New York City, where he is since 1996 the executive editor of the RILM – Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale, and since 1998 director of the RCMI – Research Center for Music Iconography as well as editor of one of the leading journals for music iconography, Music in Art, in the framework of the Barry S. Brook Center for Music Research and Documentation at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. In view of Blažeković’s very broad multidisciplinary interests, including historical musicology, music iconography, organology, archeology, lexicography and databases, this book contains 38 studies in six languages (English, German, Italian, Serbian, Croatian, Chinese) organized in six chapters: Sounds of nations, Words on musics, Performance of musical cultures, Images on musics, Organology, and Classifying data on music.
Antonio Baldassarre & Tatjana Marković
Beata Navratil
Music in Poetry: Tumanian’s Anush
Tatjana Marković
“Croatness” in music: Songfully Italian, Solidly German, a Little Bit “Oriental” and Above All Slavic
Ira Prodanov
Woman in Mokranjac’s Rukoveti
Alexandros Charkiolakis
Ideological Schemes and National Perspectives. The Use of the Greek National Anthem in Choisy’s Exile du Patre and Kasassoglou’s Four Preludes for the Return from the Front
Dalibor Davidović
Eleonora Rocconi
The Edition of Marcus Meibom’s. Aristoxeni Harmonicorum Elementorum Libri Tres and
its Contribution to the Knowledge of Ancient Greek Music Theory in the Seventeenth Century
Nico Schüler
Ref lections on Hugo Riemann’s Musik-Lexikon and His Music Historiography
Aleksandar Vasić
Značaj Srpskog književnog glasnika (1901–1941) u istoriji srpske muzike
(The importance of Srpski književni glasnik (1901–1941) in the history of Serbian music)
Leon Stefanija
Slovenian Modernisms since 1918: Evasive Idea(l)s of the Classical
Benjamin Knysak
Immigrant Music Journals in the United States
Zhang Boyu
(Music Aesthetics from the Ethnomusicological Perspectives)
Ingrid Pustijanac
Western Art Music Beyond the West
Allan W. Atlas
Ladies and the Concertina in Victorian England:
Some Notes on Manufacturers’ Marketing Strategies
Gabriele Busch-Salmen
„Ew. Hochfürstl. Durchlaucht haben […] selbst eine hohe Stufe der ausübenden Kunst erstiegen“ – Versuch über komponierende Fürstinnen
(“Your High Princely Highness have […] Herself Climbed to a High Level of the Performing Arts” – Essay on Composing Princesses)
Tina Frühauf
Jewish Vestiges on the Banks of the Danube: Synagogue Music in “Pannonia”
Antonio Baldassarre
Identity, Ritual and Materiality of Bourgeois Power Performance: Oskar Reinhart’s Club zur Geduld in Winterthur
Ursula Hemetek
Vocal Music of the Burgenland Croats: On Research History and the Impact of Methodology
Melita Milin
Muzički bijenale Zagreb i srpska muzička scena: Jugoslovenski period
(Music Biennale Zagreb and the Serbian Music Scene: The Yugoslav Period)
Antoni Pizà
Joan and John: How Miró Sponsored the Merce Cunningham Dance Company in Sitges in 1966
Daniela Castaldo
Images of Ancient Music in Jean-Jacques Boissard’s Works
Elena Ferrari-Barassi
Antonio Canova e Le Muse: Marmo, Tempera e altri Mezzi per Reinterpretare l’Antichità
(Antonio Canova and The Muses: Marble, Tempera and Other Means to Reinterpret Antiquity)
Nicoletta Guidobaldi
Il Concerto delle Muse nella Città Ideale: Indagini sul Programma Iconografico del Tempietto del Palazzo Ducale di Urbino con un’Ipotesi di Ricostruzione Virtuale
(The Concert of the Muses in the Ideal City: Investigations on the Iconographic Program of the Tempietto of the Palazzo Ducale of Urbino with a Virtual Reconstruction Hypothesis)
Maria Teresa Arfini
Johannes Theile’s Harmonischer Baum. An Example of Figurative Canon
Florence Gétreau
The Portrait of a Violist and a Young Lady: Seeking Their Identity and Paternity
H. Robert Cohen
Viafora’s “Gallery of Celebrities” in Musical America (1915–1920)
Nada Bezić
Artefakti Art Décoa: Primjeri iz knjižnice i arhiva Hrvatskoga glazbenog zavoda u Zagrebu
(Art Deco Artifacts: Samples from the Library and Archive of the Croatian Music Institute in Zagreb)
Arabella Teniswood-Harvey
The Piano/Fountain Association: From Franz Liszt to Salvador Dalí
Emile Wennekes
Walküre or Wabbit; Richard and/or Rango? Scratching the Surfaces of Multiple Layers
of Mediatized Wagner Reception
Cristina Santarelli
Color Harmonies, Music Harmonies: Notes on American Synchromism
Michael Saffle
Visual Representations of Jazz, 1915–1945
Laurence Libin
Literature as an Adjunct to Organology
Li Mei
(The Inscription on the Bell Chimes of Zeng-Hou-Yi records: The Early Application Practice of Tuning)
Tosca Lynch
The Seductive Voice of the Aulos in Plato’s Symposium: From the Dismissal of the aulteris to Alcibiades’ Praise of Socrates-auletes
Sylvain Perrot
Lyre in the Sky with Diamonds: About the Shape of a Greco-Roman Musical Constellation
Dorothea Baumann
Organology as Methodology to Find Realistic Elements: Musical Instruments in Swiss Marriage Announcement and Glass Panels of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century
Alan Green & Sean Ferguson
The Database of Association RIdIM: Linking Data, Images and Partnerships
Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie
The “I” in RILM
Federica Riva
World Music Documentation System: A Phantasy o una profezia?
Leggendo Barry S. Brook quaranta anni dopo.
(World Music Documentation System: A Phantasy or a Prophecy?
Reading Barry S. Brook Forty Years Later)
Review in Cantus (Dec. 2018 / 212-213)