Benjamin Knysak and Zdravko Blažeković (eds.): Musical History as Seen through Contemporary Eyes. Essays in Honor of H. Robert Cohen, Vienna: Hollitzer Verlag, 2021, 528 pp., 17 x 24 cm, English, Hardcover
ISBN 978-3-99012-973-9 (hbk) € 60,00
ISBN 978-3-99012-974-6 (pdf) € 59,99
Musical History as Seen through Contemporary Eyes
Essays in Honor of H. Robert Cohen
Musical History as Seen through Contemporary Eyes, edited by Benjamin Knysak and Zdravko Blažeković, is a Festschrift published in honor of the musicologist H. Robert Cohen. Born in Baltimore, educated in New York, and with a career spanning France, Canada, and the United States, Cohen is the founder of the Répertoire international de la presse musicale (RIPM), the international project focused on the historic musical press. With research interests spanning print culture, music iconography, Hector Berlioz, musical France, and Giuseppe Verdi, this volume presents a collection of essays written by many friends and collaborators exploring these themes and many others.
Musical History as Seen through Contemporary Eyes is a tribute to Cohen’s contributions to musicology, librarianship, and information science spanning more than fifty years.
Musical Documentation of a “Forgotten Century” and Beyond
Malena Kuss
A Ditty for a Friend: Honoring H. Robert Cohen through the Work of
Zoila Lapique Becali (b. 1930), Doyenne of Cuba’s Musical Press
Zoila Lapique Becali
Nineteenth-Century Music in Cuban Periodicals (1822–1868)
Marten Noorduin
The International Tours of Charles Hallé
as Viewed in the Contemporary Press
Elvidio Surian
Appunti sulla musica sacra in Italia nel Novecento
Benjamin Knysak
“That Derty Review”: John C. Freund from Oxford to New York
Ruth Henderson
Max Strakosch’s Rediscovered Memoir
Max Strakosch
Notes of Max Strakosch
Richard Kitson
Ursula Greville, Philip Heseltine and The Sackbut (London, 1920–1934)
Antonio Baldassarre
Serving “German music” and “the Great Empire of the Germans”:
The German Periodical Musik im Kriege
Peter Bloom
Berlioz and the Panthéon—Then and Now
Catherine Massip
Hector Berlioz (… et les autres) dans
l’Illustration de Bade et d’Alsace (1858–1867)
Joost van Gemert
A Multifaceted Debate: French, German and Dutch Views
on Gregorian Chant in Nineteenth-Century Periodicals
Allan W. Atlas
The Binfields and the Dulckens:
The English Concertina in mid-Nineteenth-Century Paris (and Brussels)
Ralph P. Locke
André Messager’s Les p’tites Michu and the Marvels of French Light Opera:
A Review and Appreciation
John H. Roberts
Recalled to Life: The Grands Opėras of Charles Gounod
Jennifer A. Ward
“Oui, j’existe”: Marie Bobillier and the French
Musical Sources in Robert Eitner’s Quellen-Lexikon
Peter Sühring
Der Scherz des Falstaff war nicht sein letztes Wort. Verdis Sakralmusik
Zdravko Blažeković
The Early Years of the Répertoire International d’Iconographie Musicale
Florence Gétreau
Three Founders of Music Iconography in France:
Geneviève Thibault de Chambure, Albert Pomme de Mirimonde,
and François Lesure
Luísa Cymbron
Bringing the S. Carlos Theater into the Home: Opera, Illustrated Journalism
and Sound Transmission Technologies in Late Nineteenth-Century Lisbon
Frits Zwart
To the Cinema with Willem Mengelberg:
A Meeting with Stokowski and Tchaikovsky
Tatjana Marković
“Oriental” memories: Stevan Stojanović Mokranjac’s ballad Lem Edim
John M. Ehrenburg
If You Want to Learn to Play Jazz, Pick Up That Magazine
A Critical (Re)Introduction to Pedagogical Content Published
in the Jazz Press, 1914–1947
Emile Wennekes
Bob, Boris, and Boudewijn: H. Robert Cohen’s international
footsteps elucidated through three singer-songwriters
Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie
A Tale of Two R-Project Directors
Jean-Michel Nectoux, Don Roberts
Words of Thanks