Topography and Repertoire of the Theater

The series Topography and Repertoire of the Theater is a product of the cooperation between Paul S. Ulrich and Don Juan Archiv Vienna. The collection of the bibliographer and theatre historian from Berlin about theatre almanachs and journals has been digitized and made available via an online catalogue (

The cooperation partners are convinced, that although the presentation of data in digital form is desirable since it makes certain aspects of research easier, nevertheless it is equally important to present the material in print: the full awareness of the complexity of the material is much more apparent in a printed form, and this awareness can never be achieved in online searches. This is the main goal of Theatre Topography and Repertoire.

One of the most important sources for writing the history of (musical) theater are theater journals and almanacs.

Local theater journals review a single venue’s past season and are often the only source on a theater’s artistic as well as technical personnel. Usually produced by the prompter at his or her own expense and peddled as a source for supplemental income, they were intended for local audiences and often included poems, anecdotes, or couplets.

Universal theater almanacs, on the other hand, list international German-speaking theater companies and their personnel in over 3,600 locations. The information was reported in the fall by the respective management to an editorial office; the almanacs and yearbooks were distributed nationwide and usually published over a longer period of time.

The first shipment of three publications within the Topography and Repertoire of Theater series encompasses the bibliography of the local theater journals (Volume I), the directory of the editors including excerpts from theater laws for prompters as well as poems and prose texts included in the journals by the prompters (Volume  II) and a directory of the repertoires printed in theater journals and almanacs, arranged chronologically, topographically and by director (Volume III).

The second shipment (May 2023) will encompass the bibliography of the universal theater almanacs including tables of contents (Volume IV) and an index containing persons, works, places and keywords (Volume V).

The third shipment (September 2023) will encompass a two-volume di-rectory of the illustrations in theater journals and almanacs, taking into account persons, plays, theaters (exterior and interior views, seating plans) (Volume VI, 1-2).

Series Editors: Paul S. Ulrich, Andrea Gruber, Matthias J. Pernerstorfer

ISSN 2617-3603

Booklet Topography and Repertoire of the Theater

Cover Deutschsprachige Theater-Journale / German-Language Theater Journals (1772-1918). Bibliographie / Bibliography
Paul S. Ulrich

Deutschsprachige Theater-Journale / German-Language Theater Journals (1772-1918). Bibliographie / Bibliography

Paul S. Ulrich: Deutschsprachige Theater-Journale / German-Language Theater Journals (1772–1918). Bibliographie / Bibliography, Wien: Hollitzer Verlag, 2022 (Topographie und Repertoire des Theaters I / Topography and Repertoire of the Theater I), 608 pages, 21 x 29,7 cm, Deutsch | English, Hardcover

ISBN 978-3-99094-057-0 (hbk) € 300,00
ISBN 978-3-99094-058-7 (pdf) € 299,99


Cover Deutschsprachige Theater-Journale / German-Language Theater Journals (1772-1918). Herausgeberinnen und Herausgeber / Editors
Paul S. Ulrich

Deutschsprachige Theater-Journale / German-Language Theater Journals (1772-1918). Herausgeberinnen und Herausgeber / Editors

Paul S. Ulrich: Deutschsprachige Theater-Journale / German-Language Theater Journals (1772–1918). Herausgeberinnen und Herausgeber / Editors, Wien: Hollitzer Verlag, 2022 (Topographie und Repertoire des Theaters II / Topography and Repertoire of the Theater II), 380 pages, 21 x 29,7 cm, Deutsch | English, Hardcover

ISBN 978-3-99094-059-4 (hbk) € 200,00
ISBN 978-3-99094-060-0 (pdf) € 199,99


Cover Deutschsprachige Theater-Almanache und Journale / German-Language Theater Almanacs and Journals (1772-1918). Spielpläne / Repertoires
Paul S. Ulrich

Deutschsprachige Theater-Almanache und Journale / German-Language Theater Almanacs and Journals (1772-1918). Spielpläne / Repertoires

Paul S. Ulrich: Deutschsprachige Theater-Almanache und Journale / German-Language Theater Almanacs and Journals (1772–1918). Spielpläne / Repertoires, Wien: Hollitzer Verlag, 2022 (Topographie und Repertoire des Theaters III / Topography and Repertoire of the Theater III), 660 pages, 21 x 29,7 cm, Deutsch | English, Hardcover

ISBN 978-3-99094-061-7 (hbk) € 300,00
ISBN 978-3-99094-062-4 (pdf) € 299,99


Cover Deutschsprachige Theater-Almanache / German-language Theater Almanacs (1772–1918). Bibliographie / Bibliography
Paul S. Ulrich

Deutschsprachige Theater-Almanache / German-language Theater Almanacs (1772–1918). Bibliographie / Bibliography

Paul S. Ulrich: Deutschsprachige Theater-Almanache / German-language Theater Almanacs (1772–1918). Bibliographie / Bibliography, Wien: Hollitzer Verlag, 2023 (Topographie und Repertoire des Theaters IV / Topography and Repertoire of the Theater IV), 388 pages, 21 x 29,7 cm, Deutsch | English, Hardcover

ISBN 978-3-99094-131-7 (hbk) € 250,00
ISBN 978-3-99094-132-4 (pdf) € 249,99


Cover Deutschsprachige Theater-Almanache: Register / German-language Theater Almanacs: Index (1772–1918)
Paul S. Ulrich

Deutschsprachige Theater-Almanache: Register / German-language Theater Almanacs: Index (1772–1918)

Paul S. Ulrich: Deutschsprachige Theater-Almanache: Register / German-language Theater Almanacs: Index (1772–1918), Wien: Hollitzer Verlag, 2023 (Topographie und Repertoire des Theaters V / Topography and Repertoire of the Theater V), 594 pages, 21 x 29,7 cm, Deutsch | English, Hardcover

ISBN 978-3-99094-133-1 (hbk) € 300,00
ISBN 978-3-99094-134-8 (pdf) € 299,99


Cover Deutschsprachige Theater-Almanache und -Journale: Abbildungen (Personen, Stücke, Theater) / German-language Theater Almanacs and Journals: Illustrations (Persons, Plays, Theaters) (1772–1918)
Paul S. Ulrich

Deutschsprachige Theater-Almanache und -Journale: Abbildungen (Personen, Stücke, Theater) / German-language Theater Almanacs and Journals: Illustrations (Persons, Plays, Theaters) (1772–1918)

Paul S. Ulrich: Deutschsprachige Theater-Almanache und -Journale: Abbildungen (Personen, Stücke, Theater) / German-language Theater Almanacs and Journals: Illustrations (Persons, Plays, Theaters) (1772–1918), Wien: Hollitzer Verlag, 2023 (Topographie und Repertoire des Theaters VI / Topography and Repertoire of the Theater VI), Band 1: 464 Seiten, Band 2: 450 Seiten, 2 Teilbände, 21 x 29,7 cm, Deutsch | English, Hardcover

Band 1: Abbildungen (Personen A–M) / Illustrations (Persons A–M)
ISBN 978-3-99094-135-5 (hbk)
ISBN 978-3-99094-136-2 (pdf)

Band 2: Abbildungen (Personen N–Z, Stücke, Theater) / Illustrations (Persons N–Z, Plays, Theaters)
ISBN 978-3-99094-193-5 (hbk)
ISBN 978-3-99094-194-2 (pdf)

Pro Doppelband: € 500,00
E-Books: € 499,99


Cover Wiener Theater (1752-1918)
Paul S. Ulrich

Wiener Theater (1752-1918)

Dokumentation zu Topographie und Repertoire anhand von universalen Theateralmanachen und lokalen Theaterjournalen mit einem Überblick zu Zeitungen mit Theaterreferaten und deren Referenten

Paul S. Ulrich: Wiener Theater (1752-1918). Dokumentation zu Topographie und Repertoire anhand von universalen Theateralmanachen und lokalen Theaterjournalen mit einem Überblick zu Zeitungen mit Theaterreferaten und deren Referenten, Wien: Hollitzer Verlag, 2018, 416 S., 21 x 29,7 cm, Deutsch, Hardcover

ISBN 978-3-99012-449-9 (hbk) € 99,00
